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How Your Business Can Participate:

Featured Boutique


What better way to be a part of this wonderful affair then to have a presence at our main event (date TBA) This can take many forms as there are a few options available to you as a business owner. 

Please contact us directly to explore your options. 

Gift Bag Contribution

At the main event in April we will be handing out gift bags. We would love to fill up these bags with all sorts of goodies since this is a fun affair for women. This could be anything from a coupon to your location, a treat, an accessory or anything in between!

Pay It Forward Girls' Night/Day Out

Host an evening or daytime event at your location.  Reach out to your clientele and invite them to an open house/mixer. Request that they bring items to donate to our special offer featured that day. We will provide all the information needed such as donation parameters and content for your outreach. We will also be happy to attend and support you at the event. The event will be promoted through our social media, expanding your outreach and providing you with positive exposure. This also can be done with a few businesses joining forces. It's a positive, engaging way to expand your exposure and provide a fun, light event for customers! Please contact us directly if you wish to have a presence from Moxie Swap as available dates are first come first serve. 

Featured Boutiques:

Keep watching for featured boutiques to be listed here. We can't wait to share them with you! 

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